Sunday, December 2, 2007

Ten Tips - Studying

Ten Tips - Studying

Make studying a part of your everyday school routine and don't be limited to 'cramming' for exams and tests.

1.Establish a routine

Set aside a particular time each day for study and revision and stick to it.

2. Create a study environment

This should be away from interruptions and household noise, such as the television. Ensure there is adequate lighting and ventilation, a comfortable chair and appropriate desk.

3. Set a timetable

With a timetable you can plan to cover all your subjects in an organised way, allotting the appropriate time for each without becoming overwhelmed.

4. Look after yourself

Drink plenty of fluids, especially water, and eat healthy foods. Keep sugary foods to a minimum. Make sure you get enough sleep each night. Regular physical exercise makes you feel great, boosts your energy and helps you relax. So try to keep up regular sporting activities or at least fit in some regular exercise as often as you can.

5. Reward yourself for studying

Watch your favourite television program, spend time with your friends, walk to the park and play sport throughout the week.

6. Have variety in your study program

Study different subjects each day and do different types of work and revision in each study session.

7. Avoid interrupting your concentration

Have all the appropriate materials with you before you start a session of study to minimise distractions.

8. Test yourself on what you have studied

Ask your parents or family members to quiz you on what you have learnt, use draft questions from books, past assessments or major exam papers.

9. Don't panic at exam time

If you have followed a study routine and have been revising your class work, there should be no need to worry. Try to keep yourself calm, positive and confident.

10. Ask your teachers for guidance

Especially if you're having trouble - whether it's grasping a new concept or understanding something you learnt earlier in the year. They will be happy to help.


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