Sunday, December 2, 2007

Job Interview

The job interview is one of the most important part of the job search process; it can also be the most daunting. The fact that you were requested for a job interview is very encouraging and suggests that the employer has seen something in the resume that he/she likes. However, it's not all one sided. This process will help you determine whether you like the job as well, and to see whether the job is a good “fit” for both parties.

The interview is giving you a chance to convince the employer that you are the best person for the job.The goal of the job interview is to show the employer that you have the skills, background, and ability to do the job and that you can successfully fit into the organisation and its work cultures. Employers do not usually hire on merits alone, they will look for an individual who is confident, enthusiastic, positive and is an effective communicator. Showing these qualities are all vital to the job interview process, so be prepared.

The job interview is a communication process, if you can impress your employer with your communication skills, experiences, and interests then there is a good chance that the employer will remember you. It is important that you can show the employer how you can be an asset to the company.

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